Tap into tomorrow’s light 

Look outside and see today’s light shimmering through your window, not leaving a single mark on our planet. That is what we believe your lighting should be like. Reflecting the endless nature of daylight itself. Pure light that comes with ease and minimal waste. The lightest light, illuminating only the achievements of the people it inspires. 

Look around and see our light, tomorrow’s light.

Tomorrow’s light is ENDLESS

Premium components, platform based, durable design and more than 70 years of craftsmanship – you could say our luminaires are built to last. But we didn’t stop there. We want our light to live on. And so we refurbish, upgrade and repurpose your lighting systems. Going through the nitty gritty details to create a perfect, endless circle. So you, too, contribute to an endless, circular world where waste becomes a resource and old becomes new. 

Tap into your endless light

Tomorrow’s light is EFFORTLESS

Light should give you energy, not take it away. To make our light just as effortless as the light you find outside, we deliver it as a true end-to-end service. You rely on quality advice to match the exact requirements of your building and its users. To help you cut costs and reduce emissions, we optimize for your applications and customize our product designs. We make your lighting easier to manage. Our experts install, maintain, upgrade and refurbish your light whenever necessary. Light that comes with comfort and convenience. So you and your colleagues can focus on your achievements, free of any effort. 

Tap into your effortless light

Tomorrow’s light is effortless

Tomorrow’s light is WASTELESS

In the natural world, there’s no such thing as waste. And that’s the way it should be for our lighting solutions. Enabling renovations with our circular refurbishment approach, we already minimize waste and cut back your emissions by a minimum of 55%. And yet that’s just the start of the story. In every project, we also reduce waste from production and transport. As for us, we go beyond the regulatory frameworks to lower our own footprint by joining the Science Based Targets initiative, committing to a footprint reduction of, you guessed it: 55%.  

Tap into your wasteless light

ETAP CEO Dominiek Plancke: "We know that we still have a journey ahead to become truly circular. And we believe that as a manufacturer, we have to take full ownership of this challenge. With Circular Light as a Service, our customers push us forward. To always look for better, more reliable products and solutions. Easily maintainable and upgradeable. With less waste and less energy consumption. So tomorrow’s light becomes truly endless, effortless and wasteless." 

Would you like to know more about the lighting of the future? Read all about our circular product design

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