Effortless comfort in PATIENT ROOMS
A calm and artful lighting atmosphere promotes patients’ recovery and assures visitors that their loved ones are in good hands. But for staff, your lighting also needs to be functional for easy caregiving. To ensure they can treat patients with maximum visual comfort, our solutions adapt to the time of the day and the medical task at hand.
Energy-saving lighting for GENERAL AREAS
Your general area lighting is on almost 24/7. It’s why we take into account all aspects that impact reliability, power consumption and usable lumen lifetime. Also, by making our solutions comfortable as well as functional, your lighting complies with the latest standards (EN12464-1) and ensures visual comfort in any space. From reception to technical rooms.
“We combine an optimal output with the best lighting quality for every application and our light control systems result in additional energy savings.”
Safety before ALL ELSE
Reliable emergency lighting ensures that patients, visitors and staff quickly locate a safe escape route in times of need. Even in the most complex hospital buildings, we provide new or refurbished solutions for minimal invasive renovations. Both fully compliant with all safety standards (EN1838). The result? A careful design and quality emergency lighting output.
Healthcare references
We provided several healthcare institutions with refurbished and energy-saving lighting solutions. Care to read more about one of the specific cases?
Curious about how we make your lighting endlessly comfortable? Let’s find the ideal solution together.
We start from the very first design stages and stick by your side through the whole service life. The result? A long-lasting partnership and circular lighting that’s just the same.
Please fill in the contact form below so we can find out together how we might help you.